The Sunday Artisan Market (TSAM) welcomes artists aged 17 and younger to participate as vendors. The Market is a wonderful venue for young people to explore selling their art and learn how to be a small business owner. The Market offers a support system to the young artist in that fellow vendors can act as mentors to assist the young artist with display, booth setup, and sales skills.
Pre-Application Process
It is suggested that a potential youth artist and adult co-vender visit the market at least once to see the market setup, look at other artists’ displays, and ask questions. Visiting the Market will help the young artist prepare for a market day if the youth is accepted as a vendor. The youth artist and adult co-vendor should review the information on the Market website under Info for Vendors.
Application Process
Youth artists can apply as daily vendors and follow the same application process as any other vendor, with a few accommodations.
Potential youth artists must:
- Read our Operating Rules.
- Complete an Application Form.
- Mail the completed form and requested materials to the Market’s post-office box address, which is included on page 1 of the Application Form.
An adult must be listed on the application as a co-vendor along with the youth artist. This adult must also sign the application. The adult is asked to participate in and oversee the youth’s application process.
The Sunday Artisan Market understands that the youth artist may not be able to provide some items (e.g., booth setup and other photos) listed on the application. Youth artists are asked to be as thorough as possible and explain any missing items.
Jury Process
All candidates, including youth artists, go through a jury process. The application committee is comprised of seasoned TSAM artists. The application committee will review the youth’s application packet in its entirety. The committee will evaluate the youth’s artwork in terms of quality, originality, and artistic merit. Art made solely from kits will not be accepted. The committee will take into account the age and ability of the artist when deciding whether the artist will be accepted as a vendor.
If the youth application is accepted, the youth will be notified by email to the email address provided on the application. The email will include documentation that provides the youth artist and adult co-vendor with the information needed to set up at the Market for the first time.
Booth Assignments
Youth artists follow the same process as any other artists when securing a space on a given Sunday. The process for reserving spaces, getting a space assignment, and cancelling a reservation is explained in the information provided to approved applicants in the acceptance email.
Booth-Rental Fee
Youth artists pay the current space-rental rate for daily vendors. Information on booth-rental fees is provided in the New Vendor Welcome Letter that approved applicants will receive via email from the Market manager.
Adult Supervision
If the Youth Artist is Age 15 or Younger:
An adult who knows the youth — preferably the co-vendor listed on the application — must accompany the youth artist. However, an adult family member or close friend can substitute for the adult co-vendor.
The adult co-vendor or family member/friend must remain at the market with the youth during the entire market day, from check-in through teardown. The adult should assist the youth artist as dictated by the youth’s age and experience. The adult is responsible for ensuring that the youth artist is safe and can make appropriate decisions while at the market.
If the adult assisting the youth needs to leave the booth for restroom breaks, etc., we recommend notifying the market manager or a neighboring vendor that the adult will be absent from the booth for a period of time.
If the Youth Artist is Age 16 or 17:
We encourage the involvement of the adult co-vendor or another older person, but do not require the adult to be present throughout the day.
If you have questions that are not addressed in this document or in other vendor information available on the Market website, please see the manager at the market on Sunday or email